
Stable is a building which allow to recruit Cavalry PVP units
The Stable is a PVP building, available in town. You can recruit Cavalry PVP units via the Stable in Veggies Farm Play To Earn Game .
There are 3 levels of Cavalry units available.
Hobelar is an entry cavalry unit.
Hobelars were a type of light cavalry used in Western Europe during the Middle Ages for skirmishing.
They originated in 13th century Ireland, and generally rode hobbies, a type of light and agile horse.
They were highly mobile, and excelled in scouting, reconnaissance and patrols.
Squire is a next level cavalry unit.
Squires served a knight as an attendant or shield carrier, doing simple but important tasks such as saddling a horse or caring for the knight's weapons and armor.
The squire would sometimes carry the knight's flag into battle with his master.
Use of the term evolved over time. Initially, a squire served as a knight's apprentice.
Later, a village leader or a lord of the manor might come to be known as a "squire", and still later, the term was applied to members of the landed gentry.
Knight is a top level cavalry unit.
Knight rank is associated to cavalry and nobility in general.
As the expense of equipping and maintaining a knight's equipment was beyond the ability of the primitive medieval state to support, the feudal system became more important as a means of securing the loyalty of knights to the king.
Knighthood was a hereditary title, and was usually passed on by a father to his eldest son.
All prospective knights were trained from childhood in the knightly traditions of chivalry as well as war.
Price: 20000 coins